Friday, September 10, 2010

Thearpy Baking

When times are tough some people like to work out, others like to sleep. For me- I turn to baking.  For the time being, I am baking all the time, but today it was for therapy.  I had to send Shep to daycare for the first time and sending baby number 2 was MUCH more difficult than sending Harrison. I think because I know what to expect- back to work (next week) and spending only a few hours with the little guys each day.
Today I made butter cookies with raspberry jam. These were so good because they were so soft and so buttery! I learned a great trick for making light-airy cookies. If you have a stand mixer, mix the butter, eggs and sugar for about 8 minutes on high. It makes the dough really light and fluffy.  yum!

1 comment:

  1. I called these ones "explosion cookies" because the minute you bit in, it was like they exploded in your mouth. The cookie just breaks apart and you really get to enjoy the taste on your entire tongue (pretty fancy though eh?!). These were my dinner appetizer.
