Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Plum Crumble with Creme Anglaise- YUM!

The plum crumble recipe with creme anglaise (a vanilla custard) recipe is from the Le Courdon Bleu Desserts book. It was very easy to make- I HIGHLY recommend this dessert. Feel free to email me if you want the recipe (it's so simple).  This is basically a cobbler one of my all time favorite desserts! Growing up in Colorado we always had access to delicious freshly picked peaches, so my mom always made peach cobbler and it never occurred to me to try making the cobbler with plums.  This recipe really brings out the flavor of the plums and anything topped with a fresh custard is a winner in my book.  The best part was that the crumble was even better the next day because all the flavors were melded together, so we had great left-overs. YUM!

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